
We are trained to treat a huge array of conditions and injuries. Our speciality is in musculoskeletal and sports injuries from children to the elderly.

Adolescent Injuries

Adult Injuries

Severs disease

Severs disease is characterised by heel pain. It is typically the result of excessive forces being transferred through the calf muscles onto their attachment site on the heel bone. It is also called a traction apophysitis which means that the soft tissues are causing an inflammatory (pain and swelling) reaction where they attach onto the bone. It comes about due to a mismatch in the load being applied to that attachment site and the ability of the tissue to cope. This can sometimes be because the body is at that time undergoing a period of growth and so is not as resilient to the normal demands placed on that area or it can be due to excessively high loads from too much jumping or running as can happen from athletics, gymnastics, dancing etc. It is a self limiting condition requiring identification of the causes and therefore the most appropriate treatment (manual treatment, Dry Needling, Exercise Rehab, Ultrasound, relative rest or activity modification) to help resolve the pain and swelling.

Oschgood Schlatters

Another of the so called traction apophysitis injuries. This injury is where the patella (kneecap) tendon is pulling too much or too hard on the attachment site on the top of the tibia (shin bone). It too is usually the result of an excessive amount of running, jumping, landing. Treatment often includes; manual treatment, Dry Needling, Exercise Rehab, Ultrasound, stretching and or foam rolling.

Sinding-Larson Johannsen Syndrome

This is very similar to the above two conditions differing principally only in its site of pain and dysfunction. This time on the lower tip of the patella (kneecap). It too is due to excessive forces on the attachment of the patella tendon due to landing, jumping, running activities. Treatment often includes; manual treatment, Dry Needling, Exercise Rehab, Ultrasound, stretching and or foam rolling.


Scoliosis is where the normal curvature of the spine is affected and it leans to one side. It can be due to a variety of reasons and often can dramatically improve with the right exercises and treatment. If left however it can have long term consequences.

Tendon Avulsion Injuries

This can happen at a number of sites around the body and is very painful when it happens. It can at times require surgery to fix so that the tendon is reattached to the bone. A very common site is where one of the quadriceps muscle attaches above the hip joint and often occurs in sports requiring a lot of kicking.

Rehabilitation following joint subluxations and dislocations

After suffering an injury to any joint especially like a dislocation there is damage to the soft tissues around that joint which need to be rehabilitated to ensure there is no subsequent laxity in the capsule or ligaments and that the muscles support and stabilise the joint thereby reducing the risk of a reoccurence of the injury.

Rehabilitation following fractures of joints and bones.

This is often just left and the expectation is that the individual will improve and regain their symmetry and muscle power in the area. Sadly this often doesn't happen and people are left with quite big imbalances which then can result in further injury around the area originally injured.

Balance retraining

Following ankle sprains and lower limb injuries the ability to effectively balance is lost and needs to be retrained doing a simple progressive series of exercises.

Back pain

Back pain affects most people at some stage in their life and for a lot of people is something they learn to accept and live with. Back pain can be caused by a huge variety of causes and can at times be quite complex to fully resolve. It is vital to accurately diagnose what is the cause to effectively treat it.


This is essentially leg pain which can vary from a mild ache to an unbearable excruciating pain which shoots down the leg. The onset of sciatic pain can be immediate or develop gradually over time depending on the cause. It is not only characterised by pain however, some people experience numbness, tingling, burning sensations down the leg, some have weakness in the muscles. It is due to a pressure on one or more of the lower spinal nerves which serve your legs and can be inside or outside the spinal canal. The nerve becomes inflamed and irritated and this is what causes the symptoms.


Following an accident or a sudden fall, whiplash can be very painful and cause movement restrictions due to the stiffness and pain. It responds well to treatment and usually will resolve fully.

Joint injuries of the ankle, knee, hip, pelvic, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand

Sprains of the ligaments and muscles around these joints is very common and with early diagnosis and treatment heals quickly reducing the amount of pain and disability often associated with these injuries. IF severe enough they can require the use of braces or slings and a relative period of rest to allow the injured tissues time to heal in the best possible position. If severe enough an urgent referral to an orthopaedic specialist is required.

Post operative rehabilitation following surgery (orthopaedic, cardiac, pregnancy, abdominal)

Rehabilitation post surgery helps restore the body to a normal state with minimal persisting pain, stiffness and loss of function. For different surgeries there are quite specific protocols to ensure your recovery is the best it can be and the success of the surgery is maximised.

Muscle injuries (tears, strains, pulls, haematoma's)

Injuries to muscles are very common from simple strains to complete ruptures. Treatment for these injuries is very successful and results in minimal longstanding problems.

Plantar Fasciitis

A common injury of the foot which can be caused by a number of different factors, including tight calf muscles, inappropriate footwear or biomechanical problems such as over pronation of the arch of the foot.

It is characterised by stiffness in the mornings and pain on taking your first few steps but then can "warm up" and feel bearable but with any period of inactivity stiffens again. It is acutely painful when the foot has to do more shock absorbing actions like when running.

ITB / Runners knee

This is one of the most common injuries runners suffer from. It is characterised by lateral (outside) knee pain and can be acutely painful and force runners to stop running. It too can be due to a variety of factors such as poor pelvic control due to weak gluteal muscles, tight quadriceps muscles, poor foot mechanics causing a biomechanical adjustment which manifests at the distal ITB as it crosses the knee.

Achilles tendonopathy and tendonitis

Morning pain and stiffness when taking your first few steps and after periods of inactivity is a classic sign of this condition. The tendon often becomes thickened and is very tender to touch too. There are many causes and as many possible treatments for this condition. It can be a very frustrating and lengthy process to finally get rid of.

Migraines and chronic head aches

After a thorough assessment and history a targeted treatment approach is used to ensure we find the root of the problems and then look to treat those component parts.

Hallux Vulgus

Through joint mobilisations, splinting or taping and specific exercises this very painful condition can be altered and the success of any surgical intervention is maximised as a result.

Turf Toe

This is a very painful and inflammatory condition which is complex and at times disabling which can end player's careers. Accurate and fast diagnosis, prompt referral and effective treatment can bring about a very good resolution of this injury.

Shoulder joint injuries

The shoulder is a complex joint requiring the ability to undergo a large amount of movement and load. Common conditions of the shoulder are frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears and dislocations.

Knee Pain

A number of conditions and mechanisms can result in knee pain, including trauma, overuse, posture, degenerative conditions and infections. The knee can become very inflamed and swollen as a result and can severely impact the ability to get around. A fast and accurate diagnosis can prevent a lot of pain and reduce the impact on one's life.

For more information about our services or to make an appointment please call 01483 898307 or email

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Areas We Cover

Guildford - Bramley - Godalming - Cranleigh - Merrow - Burpham - Worplesdon - East Horsley - West Horsely - Clandon - Woking - Haselmere - Cobham - Esher - Oxshott - Farncombe - Farnham - Horsham - Rudgewick - Weybridge - Addlestone - Hersham - Molesy - Oxshott